What was your first job? Was it mowing your neighbor’s lawn, babysitting young relatives, or swirling soft serve at your local ice cream parlor? No one is born with work experience. We all have to start somewhere.
Goodwill Industries of the Valleys recognizes everyone has unique abilities, talents, and interests. Our career support team works with our community every day to provide resources that help job seekers find employment, maybe even for the first time.
As a recent high school graduate, Connor Hall knew he wanted to start the job-search process. He reached out to Goodwill and enrolled in the Career Navigation Program. Hall was paired with Goodwill Career Navigator Amber Haddouch to help him build a resume based on his qualifications, skills, and experiences. Despite not having a professional work history at his age, Hall utilized Goodwill’s online platform, My Career Advisor, while working with Haddouch to complete a resume like a pro using the website’s templates and prompts.
“The resume template is set up in a way that is less intimidating,” said Haddouch. “This made Connor feel more confident about his resume. He has already used his new resume to apply for a job at a local grocery store!”
“My Career Advisor is very easy and simple to use. I used to think making a resume was hard, but My Career Advisor made the process very straightforward,” said Hall.
Completing a My Career Advisor profile is often a Career Center client’s first step in their search for employment.
“I have had many individuals who have not worked in a long time come into the Career Center,” said Goodwill Resource Room Specialist Lakia Venable. “Depending on what areas the client is weak in, I sometimes start them off with training classes for computer skills and typing. We would then complete a resume after the client feels that they understand the training classes.”
Goodwill’s Career Navigators can offer guidance throughout the process of finding a job, from creating a resume to working on applications, following up with employers, and scheduling interviews.
“The platform has been a great experience for a lot of individuals and has helped them gain knowledge and skills to help them be successful in their career path,” said Venable.
My Career Advisor simplifies steps for clients to review job boards and search for open positions that fulfill their goals and interests. The online tool also has a library of online educational videos that can supply clients with tips on preparing for an interview or advancing their expertise through professional skill development opportunities.
Since 2023, patrons at Melrose Library have also used the opportunity to meet with an Employment Specialist on-site and create an account on My Career Advisor. Dana Glenn, a newcomer to Roanoke, was one of those patrons. But she wasn’t starting from scratch. Glenn was already a seasoned professional with a 20-year career in science education and public administration when she sought help from Goodwill.
Glenn created a resume on My Career Advisor detailing her skills and work history to help her find a new role. After her resume was created, Glenn worked with Ellen Stick, employment specialist, to brainstorm the types of positions she was interested in pursuing for employment. Stick reached out to the Executive Director of the Clean Valley Council to alert her to the opportunity that Glenn could fill either of the two different positions that were open at the time. The CEO quickly called Glenn to set up an interview and later offered her a position. The Clean Valley Council crafted the new position to Glenn’s skillset and experience, and she is thriving in a new job that challenges her, using the best of her expertise to serve the non-profit in innovative ways.
Andrew Minnis was looking for a part-time position and had experience driving for a railroad company. He created a resume and applied for a variety of jobs. His Employment Specialist reached out to Family Promise of Roanoke Valley. They needed a part-time driver for local families experiencing housing difficulties, and Minnis’ kind nature and experience made him a great fit for the position.
“He was offered the job and has become much loved by the staff,” said Stick. “The executive director tells me each time she sees me of how well he fits the position.”
It’s thanks to our generous local donations and purchases at Goodwill stores that we can fund these free community programs in our hometowns here in Virginia. In 2023, 355 people found jobs due to the services they received at Goodwill Industries of the Valleys, and 2,458 individuals earned industry-recognized credentials, allowing them to be more competitive in their job search and to find higher-paying employment.
Goodwill can work with you to identify the best resources for reaching your job goals. If you’re interested in connecting with Goodwill’s Career Navigation Program or My Career Advisor, visit GoodwillValleys.com/job-and-training-services.